We believe that everyone has the right to feel loved, cared for, and important.
That right there is the purpose for my new business adventures!
For years I have dreamed about being able to host beautiful, encouraging, and inspiring events for women. It’s something I always put off as, “one day” or “when I have x,y, & z” or “when my home is exactly as I want it to be.” My home isn’t perfect and I don’t have x, y, or z, but my first event happened! So what changed?
It wasn’t until I stepped down from my full-time position as a radiation therapist that the feeling of, “maybe I can do this” started to creep in. Normally when you hear of someone quitting their 9-5 and pursuing their dream, you imagine how amaaaaazing it must be to work from home and their life must be absolutely perfect. FALSE.
Pursuing my dream has been amazing and being able to manage my own schedule, be my own boss, and make growth happen in my business IS a dream. But what no one talks about is how difficult the transition can be! As many stay-at-home mothers can surely attest, it is a major life swing to go from having a schedule, people that rely on you to be somewhere at a certain time, and seeing how your time translates into money to being at home in your sweats all day and valuing what you do daily in a different way. It really is a mindset warp.
Suddenly I had all this time to pursue my dreams – they were being handed to me if I would just put the work in. Then at the same time – I got stuck. Stagnant. Unsure. I had so much I knew I had to do, but taking those first steps was like trying to walk through mud. Being handed your dreams makes you re-evaluate, “Are these really my dreams? Can I do this? Do I want to do this?” It is such a strange phenomenon, but I know I’m not alone!
Being in this place of feeling stuck made me feel like I just needed to DO something to get my head out of the fog and take an actual, scary, real step forward. Finally, I decided that, “Nope, it isn’t going to be perfect, I will make mistakes, but it will be progress and it will be good.” Hence, I made a Facebook event with only a handful of women that I knew had a similar growth & positive mindset I needed to make this thing happen (and not be totally nervous about it). …and it was truly amazing!!!
So for those of you seeking out your dreams – do it. No one said it would be easy or beautiful in all of the steps forward or backward : it will be messy + confusing and there will be difficult days, but there are some reaaaaaally special moments along the way. There will be people who encourage and lift you up, believe in what you’re doing, and tell you it’s okay to not have it all figured out. These are those ladies for me. They said, “Yes,” to seeing my dream unfold in an imperfect way and support me in this endeavor that is special to me (even if it meant driving two hours one way for a two hour event ;).
Where will this go? I don’t know. I have dreams, but those dreams can change and I’m going to allow them to shift and morph, as needed. So buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!
So ANYWAY! The Delectable Table!! This event was held in our home, seated around our dining room table! We started with some mingling, a social media challenge, and apple cider mimosas!! I had prepared an all gluten-free brunch + a few vegetarian options for our meal! We ate together, talked about North Iowa, and what my vision is for my business! We played a game called “Paper Telephone” and then wrote down a compliment for the ladies sitting to our left and our right for them to take home. We ended the morning with some photos outside by the willow tree!! I couldn’t have done it without the overwhelming support and daily reassurances from my husband, Stosch, or my mom who drove up semi-last minute to be my right-hand woman, when needed!
+ another special shout-out to Stosch, who took the mingling photos and the group photos!
Once I have my new website up and running, I WILL be linking where I bought many of the things you see in these photos! But for now, if you want to know right now – email me at juliana@julianasabo.com.
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